"Same Time Every Day" Dynamism of Cityscapes

The fifth Photo Urbanism Fellowship was awarded to Kramer O’Neill for his project, “Same Time Every Day,” where he photographed five distinct locations throughout New York City at the same time, every day. His images capture the poetic moments that happen in the public realm every day, elegantly illuminating the quotidian, the strange, and the beautiful.

Program support provided by Jan Staller, NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, and Atlantic Avenue – Barclays Center.



The "Same Time Every Day" exhibition was on display November 18, 2010 - November 18, 2011 at Atlantic Avenue, Barclays Center

Kramer O’Neill

2009: Same Time Every Day

Kramer O’Neill is a fine art photographer based in New York City. Kramer holds a BFA from Hampshire College. He had his first solo show – Till Human Voices Wake Us – in 2009 at Lunasa in the East Village. His photography has been published in Last Exit magazine and featured on a number of photography websites, including La Pura Vida, Urbansand, F-Stop Magazine and Strangers. In 2012, Kramer published his first book, Till Human Voices Wake Us, in a limited edition of 500 copies.

Exhibition Gallery

Same Time Every Day

Kramer O’Neill

Artist Statement

This project is an attempt to reveal moments of grace. The city is constantly showing us in a light more revealing of ourselves than we could know, but those moments are fleeting; I photograph to illuminate the mystery of the city’s life, one tiny instant at a time.

I really enjoyed how my Photo Urbanism fellowship made me think of photography as a project, not just a set of disparate images.



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