Barnabas Crosby
"Banana Suit" | Brian Vines, freelance journalist
"Safe + Affirmed" | Brian Vines, freelance journalist + Marcee Rogers, hairdresser
"Ancient" | Mihoby Rabeharison, realtor
"Sophia's Son" | Kimberly Amante, content creator
"Fist to Cuffs" | Collis Torrington, digital creator
"Night Hawk" | Neeko, musician
"Rudie the Might" | Rudie, film maker
"Green Grenade" | Kimberly Amante, content creator
"Mother with Dragons" | Allegra, doula

Barnabas Crosby is a Brooklyn-based educator, visual storyteller, and native of Cleveland. In 2010, Barnabas started Whiskey Boys Ent., a storytelling vehicle to share stories of Everyday Black Living through black and white stills and moving pictures. In 2015 while working alongside the BKLYN Combine and Humanities NY, Barnabas created the annual reading and conversation platform Baldwin + Friends. Trained as a playwright and dramaturg, Barnabas uses education, art, and media to teach young people how to craft their individual and cultural narratives.